“The impulse to travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life.”-Agnes Repplier
Travelling is fantastic, and wanderlust gets us all at some point. When you are on the go, taking care of your health might not be at the forefront of your mind. It’s common for healthy lifestyles to go sideways when you’re voyaging, particularly in case you are on an extended getaway.
When travelling, everyone wants to enjoy as much as possible. For that, you need a fresh mindset and an active body ready for adventures.
Travel Healthy; Tips and Tricks
It does not matter where you are or and what your halal destination is, some precautions are always necessary to take.
Here are some tips to stay healthy while travelling, to make the best of your halal holiday or trip.
Hydration Will Be Your Bliss
This one is pretty simple, but with all the activities to be done and all the sights to be seen, drinking water may not be your priority.
“Stay beautiful and stay hydrated.” -Godfroy Lab
Dehydration can cause weakness, dizziness, and much more. Rest assured that you do not want that ruining your travelling experience. In areas with high temperature, be sure to drink lots of water. You can also drink some juices and cold drinks when the occasion calls for it.
Keep Your Kit
Your first-aid travel kit better is the first item on your packing list because you do not know when you are going to need it.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”-Helen Keller
Your first-aid travel kit must have:
- Several bandages of different sizes
- A thermometer
- Medication for cold and flu
- Anti-itch cream
- Medication for your allergies
- Rehydration tablets for diarrhoea
- Medicine for stomach ache
- A motion sickness remedy
- Fever and pain reducer
- An antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin for rashes and other uses.
Tip: Medical care might not always be available straight away, so it is essential to have the basic first aid kit knowledge.
Research To The Rescue
Before travelling to a country or destination, do your research about it. Look for the places where the beauty of the country you are going to shines the most. Find out the ‘must visit’ places. Look for the hidden treasures, those are the best.
Find out about the climate of your destination; whether you need your hat and sunblock or your extra warm coat and scarf. Doing your research can prove to be very beneficial.
Not Too Heavy, Light Does it.
If you plan to visit several countries on your trip, packing a lot of things might not be the best idea. Carrying all that load can be a bit tiresome.
“Pack lighter. Go further.”-Anonymous
Packing and unpacking take a lot of time too. Keep your packing light and try to limit it to just the essentials.
Break A Sweat
Travelling is your time to relax and let loose on the responsibilities, right? But that does not mean that you should neglect your health. Take a nice walk in the morning, breathe in some fresh air, it can be relaxing and beneficial to your health.
“Running is not just exercise; it is a lifestyle.” -John Bingham
There’s no travel exercise, like hiking. It is refreshing, and the beautiful sceneries are just about breathtaking. Also, if you need to ground yourself or calm your mind, yoga is your go to exercise. Meditation helps you relax a lot as well.
Indulge A Little
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” -Confucius
Life can be complicated, so make your halal holiday as the time to reward yourself. Indulge a little, let yourself do all those halal, enjoyable activities that you would typically hesitate to take.
Take a steam bath, apply a mud mask. Relax, enjoy. Roam the streets; take in the different environment and all it has to offer.
Your Connection With Allah
When you are travelling, you get to see things you have never seen before. Seeing all the beautiful creations of Allah, seeing how big just this single planet is, makes our connection to Allah even stronger.
Therefore, you should remember to thank Allah as often as possible. Keep praying the daily five prayers and remember to recite the Quran while travelling.
It will keep your heart and mind relaxed and calm during the whole day.
Rest Well, Sleep Deep
You can get a little carried away with all the fun activities and sightseeing, but you would not last long without proper rest. Sleep on time: get in eight hours at least. Keep your mobile and other devices away to get a deep sleep.
You will be surprised at how much a 20 to 30 minutes nap in the daytime can help you relieve stress.
Eat Healthily
To stay healthy, you need your fibre. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Do not always depend on hotels for food; make your own once in a while. A rushed breakfast would not do, have a proper meal full of whole grains, protein and low-fat dairy.
If you have any allergies, carry a food allergy ID card. To make sure you do not accidentally eat anything Haram due to miscommunication, make a habit of taking cards that indicate the foods you cannot or choose not to eat.
Cleanliness First
Remember to take a shower at least once a day, to wash up all the dirt that comes with a day full of adventure. If you are having trouble sleeping, taking a lukewarm shower helps. If you are sleep ridden in the morning, nothing helps like a cold shower to energize the body and open the mind.
“Stay Clean, Stay Healthy.”-Anonymous
You do not know when you will need to wash your hands when you are out, so try to keep a hand sanitizer with you.
Medication; Your Constant Companion
No matter where you are, you must have your medications with you. Stock up on all your pills and syrups, you never know when they might run out. The pharmacies of other countries may not have the medications you require. Better safe than sorry, right?
“Travelling- it leaves you speechless then turns you into a storyteller.” -Ibn e battuta
Stay Calm
“Still around the corner, there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.” -J.RR Tolkien
Some misfortunes can happen when you are travelling, some of them extraordinarily irritating or disconcerting. But freaking out and panicking will do nothing but disturb your peace of mind.
Try to keep calm and try to keep smiling. The only way is the positive one.
If you pick up a few of these tips, you can truly experience the joy of travelling without compromising on your health.